Welcome to the henhouse. Come back soon to see what happens when chickens stop being polite and start getting real.
I still have a lot to learn about the pecking order, but my money is on Queen Elsa. Much like her namesake, she rocks a perfectly coifed comb.This soon to be egg-laying royal is likely a Green Queen, but we will see!
I see that side eye, Phoenix. Our Buff Brahma Bantam is gentle and prefers to be admired from a distance. Her feathered thighs remind me of pantaloons, so I like to imagine she is just proper. G’day, M’lday.
lil blue
Lil Blue is sweet as can be! She is so chatty, even when she seems like she’s sounding the alarm. Her puffy cheeks are everything. I can’t wait to see our Blue Americauna’s pretty cerulean eggs!
Stevie chix
Our blonde bombshell, Stevie Chicks is still adjusting to life on the farm. She doesn’t do it for the man, but she does it for rock and roll. Our little leghorn is likely to produce the biggest number of hit singles, or eggs to all you nerds out there.
Rufus, AKA Dr. Robotnik calls the shots. You don't address her…she addresses you. When this little beauty was a chick, I thought she was nervous. Now that I know her, I understand that she’s selective. Don’t worry. I’ll win her over with worms and other weird things I now order online.
Our girl Razor loves the camera. I may have a post devoted to her many poses. She is a Gold-Laced Polish and puts Elsa’s bangs to shame with her feather headdress. She is small but mighty!
There’s not enough room in this town for two ice queens, so thankfully Frost’s name is the result of her being one cool chick. We believe our little native is a Dominque.
“Do you know where the weight room is? I’ll check it out.” Our Golden BUFF, Butterscotch has never been shy! She used to chat her beak off in the brooder and now she happily finds her way around the coop.
Put another shrimp on the bar-b for my girl Kiwi. Her namesake is a nod to her sister the flightless bird from the land down under. She’s just a baby, but give her some time and she’ll be popping out the oval goodies! Fingers crossed the only thing green coming out of this queen are the shells!
cluck norris
Cluck Norris once kicked a horse in the chin; its descendants are now known as giraffes. Cluck Norris once ordered a steak at a restaurant; the steak did what it was told. Chances are our little Easter Egger will tell her eggs when it’s time to get laid.