“The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.”
Read MoreEvery new day truly is an opportunity to start over and try again. Rest, refresh, and reset. You can do this. No matter what legacy of anger, bitterness, moodiness, or rage precedes you, it does NOT define you. Frankly, it does not suit you. I hope this helps.
Read MoreThere are 365 verses in the Bible that deal with fear. This is not only an indicator that we will face it daily, but also encouragement that we’ll never have to face it alone.
Read MoreOur purpose is not to be driven away by fear.
Read MoreI do occasionally have this dream that Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell ghost me so hard that I wake up sad in real time. I feel a little defeated, failing once again to lock down what would obviously be a lifelong friendship.
Read MoreWhen I'm not thriving...and I've sacrificed so much of me to be here...I feel like a failure.
Read MoreWhile our relationships are not responsible for our personal wellbeing, they should contribute to our overall wellness.
Read MoreI belong to the people around me by day and I belong to my dreams by night.
Read MoreThe idea is to take steps toward each other in the relationship, not away from each other. We will make mistakes, but it's important not to allow distance to grow between us.
Read MoreNo matter what value system you subscribe to...we are all suspeptible to hardships. The only thing we can control is how we respond to them.
Read MoreI’m not here to investigate the motive for us to stay or to vilify the church. It wasn't my job then and it isn't now. I believe my job is to assess the damage and seek restoration.
Read MoreGrowing in each of those rings only makes us stronger and able to offer more to each growing ring.
Read MoreWe can say anything here. Ask anything. Offer everything. I love it so much.
Read MoreAfter all this time, we haven’t grown bored with beautiful things. The masterpieces of nature still take our breath away and we still bend down low to admire new life.
Read MoreWe cannot possibly know all that they are going through, but we can be clear in the ways we will be available to them and ultimately point them to Christ.
Read MoreNow that I am writing again, my heart is swelling with stories and the beauty of their meaning. I am filled with a love for truth that is woven into the fiber of our experiences.
Read MoreI seek to be transported, and yet how often do I take the first step?
Read MoreWhen we choose to connect, we actively protect what our family is building.
Read MoreI find myself wanting you to see the good things set before you today. Your good things. Not her good things. Not all good things. But the good things set before you.
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